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What is an IPO | by Wall Street Survivor | public offering คือ

What is an IPO | by Wall Street Survivor

นอกจากการดูบทความนี้แล้ว คุณยังสามารถดูข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์อื่นๆ อีกมากมายที่เราให้ไว้ที่นี่: ดูเพิ่มเติม

What is an IPO?
An IPO is the first offer of a company’s stock on the public market. “Going public” is the soughtafter destination of many emerging companies. Traditionally, the IPO has been used as a financing vehicle. Today, it’s a little more complex than that. An IPO can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars — and there’s no guarantee it’ll even become a reality.
Why Do Companies Go Public?
Going public exposes all kinds of vulnerabilities. Not only does it subject a company to new rules and regulations by various governing bodies, it also opens it up to the risk of takeover. A public company’s shares can be snapped up by anyone — even its competitors. The IPO’s primary reason for existing is to provide liquidity to investors and employees. An IPO also furnishes a company with some collateral that can later be traded upon for future purchases or mergers.
The heart of the matter is knowing when. Undertaking an IPO too early can have catastrophic effects on the future health of a business; waiting too long might allow a competitor to steal the thunder. Before deciding whether or not to issue an IPO, companies need to spend some time evaluating the big picture.
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What is an IPO | by Wall Street Survivor

The IPO Process

It’s a big deal when a stock IPOs, and you may be interested in participating, but it’s important to understand the IPO process before jumping on the bandwagon, because as you’ll see, you face some unique risks and disadvantages when buying a company’s first shares.
Intro/Outro Music: https://www.bensound.com/royaltyfreemusic
Richard does not have a personal holding in any of the referenced companies. This channel is for education purposes only and is not affiliated with any financial institution. Richard Coffin is not registered to provide investment advice and as such does not provide recommendations on The Plain Bagel those looking for investment advice should seek out a registered professional. Richard is not responsible for investment actions taken by viewers.

The IPO Process

‘แม็คโคร’ เตรียมขายหุ้นเพิ่มทุน ขึ้น XB 22 พ ย นี้ I TNN ชั่วโมงทำเงิน I 19-11-64

‘แม็คโคร’ เตรียมขายหุ้นเพิ่มทุน ขึ้น XB 22 พ.ย.นี้
มาดูความคืบหน้าของ\”สยามแม็คโคร\” (MAKRO) ที่เตรียมขายหุ้นสามัญแก่ประชาชนทั่วไป (Public Offering) หลังสำนักงาน ก.ล.ต.นับหนึ่งไฟลิ่ง โดยเตรียมขึ้นเครื่องหมาย XB วันแรก จันทร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายนนี้ โดยผู้ถือหุ้นเดิมที่มีสิทธิจองซื้อ จะจัดสรรตามสัดส่วนการถือหุ้นสามัญเดิม ส่วนผู้จองซื้อรายย่อย จะได้รับการจัดสรรแบบ Small Lot First ซึ่งจะเปิดจองซื้อผ่านทางออนไลน์ และสาขาของตัวแทนจำหน่ายหุ้นและตัวแทนรับจองซื้อ พร้อมกำหนดช่วงราคาเสนอขายเบื้องต้น เร็วๆนี้
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แม็คโคร ซื้อออนไลน์
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‘แม็คโคร’ เตรียมขายหุ้นเพิ่มทุน ขึ้น XB 22 พ ย นี้ I TNN ชั่วโมงทำเงิน I 19-11-64

Stock Market 101: What is an IPO or Initial Public Offering? Easy Peasy Finance for Kids \u0026 Beginners

This video answers the question \”What is an IPO\” in a simple, kidfriendly way. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE (It’s FREE!): http://bit.ly/EasyPeasyFinanceSubscribeFree
⬇️ Click SHOW MORE for details ⬇️
The video addresses the topics below:
What is an IPO
Why does an Initial Public Offering happen
How does an IPO benefit investors
How can you apply for stock in an IPO
If the stock has not been traded in the market, how is the stock price decided in an IPO
Is investing in a stock during an IPO better than buying it from the secondary market later
Hope you like the video and stick around for more finance fun! And please let us know your thoughts (or a suggestion for a video) by leaving a comment!

What are Stocks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJgrF3bLH0
What is Fundamental Analysis and Why Should You Use it: https://youtu.be/4McJOEI948
What is an Investment Bank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgSoiLTyHag
What is a Stock Market: https://youtu.be/w3_HBkT4hwc
What is a Stock Exchange: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGwKxg14IbQ
What is a Brokerage Account: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cXziqEyL1E
What is a Stock Index: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiJ8tQ4_yzA

All about Stocks and Stock Markets for Kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiJ8tQ4_yzA\u0026list=PLD1Hjcbe9g7q1xM19h2XlxdbCNcVTwsVg
Key Personal Finance Terms for Kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi0N0ZQtN4k\u0026list=PLD1Hjcbe9g7qM1_HcgCIbA4b1V9VygbJN
All about Money for Kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbRvCnsjLxU\u0026list=PLD1Hjcbe9g7p1rYk37aaqpkZNHvq4MS5I
Introduction to Finance for Kids Earning, Saving, Investing, Compound Interest, Inflation, Net Worth, Emergency Fund: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wMITaE5_Qk\u0026list=PLD1Hjcbe9g7opE4MnIRUhDEJSHdaG1vTE
All about Investments for Kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugBl0WgmAhg\u0026list=PLD1Hjcbe9g7rKgz8y4JIu6Eo5gcK869CP
Stock Market 101: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3_HBkT4hwc\u0026list=PLD1Hjcbe9g7q0nAhKxVQYk14dyPZgJ6Nq

For more information and transcript, please visit: http://www.easypeasyfinance.com/whatisanipoorinitialpublicoffering/

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Music: http://www.freesfx.co.uk/, http://www.SoundBible.com

Stock Market 101: What is an IPO or Initial Public Offering? Easy Peasy Finance for Kids \u0026 Beginners

IPO Explained: What is an Initial Public Offering?

When a company goes public, some investors may get excited. If you’re interested in learning why and how a company sells its stock to the public, watch this video about Initial Public Offerings (IPOs).

IPO Explained: What is an Initial Public Offering?

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