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PROFILE – Official Trailer – In Theaters May 14 | Chủ Đề về chủ đề profile |

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Thông tin liên quan đến chuyên mục profile.

PROFILE theo chân một nhà báo bí mật người Anh trong hành trình săn mồi và vạch mặt kẻ tuyển mộ khủng bố thông qua mạng xã hội, trong khi cố gắng không bị người tuyển dụng của cô ta thu hút và tự mình trở thành một chiến binh cực đoan. Tại Rạp vào ngày 14 tháng 5. Bộ phim kinh dị độc đáo được phát hoàn toàn trên màn hình máy tính ở định dạng Screenlife, do Bekmambetov làm tiên phong. Do Timur Bekmambetov #PROFILE làm đạo diễn.

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PROFILE - Official Trailer - In Theaters May 14

PROFILE – Official Trailer – In Theaters May 14

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Từ khoá có liên quan đến đề tài profile.

#PROFILE #Official #Trailer #Theaters.

Focus Features,Movies,Movie Trailers,Trailers,Independent Film,Cinema,Clips,Featurettes,profile,Searching,Unfreinded,cat fishing.

PROFILE – Official Trailer – In Theaters May 14.


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47 thoughts on “PROFILE – Official Trailer – In Theaters May 14 | Chủ Đề về chủ đề profile |”

  1. The trailer makes it look so aweful, so fake, such bad acting, bad music scoring, so cheap and yet people here praise the movie. Either they are dumb dumbs that know nothing about cinematography and actually good art or the people that edited the trailer were very very veeeeeery ignorant and untalented. I'll watch the movie based on the praise of the comments, I hope I don't get disapointed again by the low standards of art common people have…

  2. Brain absolutely REELING from seeing this as an ad, hearing Phoebe Bridgers playing over someone googling 'Extremist Recruitment Tactics' – totally bizarre music choice

  3. whoever kills innocents in the name of Islam is not a true follower of Islam. He is not a Muslim , Isis is not an Islam. We're taught not to kill even an ant. Terrorism has no religion..

  4. For anyone looking for a good movie similar to this style, I recommend checking out searching. It was really good and surprisingly didn't get much marketing.

  5. I spent $19.99 to rent this through my cable service. First time I ever paid the Home Premium price. Worth every penny!!! It will haunt you and you will want to watch it again for clues you might have missed. It's based very closely on a French journalist who wrote a book about her experiences: In the Skin of a Jihadist by Anna Erelle (she had to use a pseudonym – ISIS put a hit out on her). Now I want to read the book too.

  6. Фильм достойный! Кто-то знает что-то на подобную тематику? Халифат сериал понравился тоже

  7. Christine Adams (Lynn of Black Lightning) is an editor here again (the other was in The Unholy) lol. And I like Valene Kay from The Fall.
    I have to watch this with my mom who isn't techie at all so I have to explain some things, she liked the movie, it was intense. I was like "NOOO!" (When she rotated the camera to her window).

  8. I think you should know this about the movie "Profile" by from Focus Features: The poor quality footage of "Taylor Conger" being stoned to death is actually real. It's a real human being being murdered.

    The victim in the video is Du'a Khalil Aswad, a 17-year-old Iraqi girl, who was brutally stoned to death in 2007 by the people in her village. What you see, is what the killers filmed with their cell phones. It is not actors performing. It is reality. Director Timur Bekmambetov has used the footage to show the death of a fictional character in his film; Taylor Conger (played by Eloise Thomas).

    I find it really sickening. A total lack of respect. Du'a Khalil Aswad didn't ask for this, I'm sure. She didn't give permission. Would it have been too much work to shoot the scene with actors? Would it have been too expensive? Was it really necessary to exploit this girl by using her as an involuntary "actress", while she was slowly but brutally being murdered?

    Furthermore, the stoning of Du'a Khalil Aswad had nothing to do with ISIS, Syria or any geopolitical conflict related to anything in the movie. So how can this be justified? I feel like I have been exposed to snuff.

  9. i just watch this movie …i am so scread spatially they are very near i am from iraq ….god save us all and spaitlly english young girls from thies trrirst

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