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Hướng dẫn liên quan đến chuyên mục google pixel 4.
Dòng Google Pixel 4 cuối cùng cũng đã CHÍNH THỨC được giới thiệu! Nhưng theo quan điểm của tôi, “Bạn không nhất thiết phải mua Google Pixel 4”. Tại sao? Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn xem video cho đến khi nó kết thúc. Cảm ơn các bạn! Tín dụng Chuyển đến: Điện thoại di động Google đã qua sử dụng thường được đánh giá ở đây để bán: Nhạc của: Lakey Inspired __________________________________________________________ Để hợp tác, vui lòng liên hệ qua email: [email protected].
Hình ảnh liên quan đếnđề tài Kesan Google Pixel 4 Resmi – KECEWA BERAT! ASLI!.
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Từ khoá liên quan đến từ khoá google pixel 4.
#Kesan #Google #Pixel #Resmi #KECEWA #BERAT #ASLI.
Kesan Google Pixel 4 Resmi – KECEWA BERAT! ASLI!.
google pixel 4.
Rất mong những Chia sẻ về chủ đề google pixel 4 này sẽ có ích cho bạn. Chân thành cảm ơn.
Bang hp hpnya pada kemanain? Gua beli harga murahlah 😭
Lensa ultra wide bisa make lensa tambahan. Tapi untuk hasil foto potrait nya lebih bagus ini apa p3xl om? 🙏
Lensa ultra wide tinggal make lensa tambahan. Lensa tele ngaruh ke soft ware
Menurut gua
Bener tuh, pixel 5 skarang pke kamera ultra wide wkwkwkwk
Pixel 4 series yg worth it banget menurut ku cuma pixel 4a
Saya ga kecewa sama google pixel 4 series, biar banyak yang ngejelekin mereka, namun saya tetep salut sama google pixel, karena selalu membuat inovasi yang belum ada di hp lain, contohnya motion sense pada pixel 4 series dan desain pixel 2 san 3 series yang belum ditiru brand lain. Dan satu lagi experience di google pixel jelas beda sama android lain, karena google pixel menggunakan pure android, jadi lebih smooth
Emang gak usah beli…karena mahal,hahaa
bikin aja hp sendiri,
Bang riview pixel 4a dong
G pake pixel 4 xl sejak April, dan enak2 aja pakenya…u kasih opini padahal belum pake aslinya yah?
kayak ny ini smartfon terakhir Google series yg bisa dipake di Indonesia.. Pixel 4a dst pasri imei ke blokir, kecuali kalo Google mau jual resmi ke Indonesia
Amerika gituloh
Itu google beli apa dikasih bang? Apa punya temen? Katanya gmau beli?
You are missing some points:
1. Google's main business is software not hardware. Google boasts P4 as the most helpful phone. Google's company strategy is shifting users towards ambient computing (compliment by Google home and pixel buds) for user experience. To fully experience that you need to be in Google ecosystem (gmail, drive, calendar, maps, youtube (and music), home, smartwatch, buds, etc). Think about why most iPhone users use Macbook and Apple Watch.
2. Google assistant is far smarter than schmuk Siri and it operates inside P4 not the cloud (faster response), in a hectic morning assistant reads your emails and messages and tells you your schedule of the day and the best route to get to work while you are busy getting ready (thanks to Google maps), Pixel buds will be able to translate languages on the spot when you are travelling to foreign countries, you can ask Google assistant to switch off the light, smart tv, and other smart appliances when you forget to switch it off on your way to office (whether through your P4, buds, or watch), open up Google sheets on the go, with pixel buds you'll only ask the direction to one place without constantly looking at your phone.
3. Battery, my P4 lasts for a day. Google uses adaptive battery software to save some power. Also, you won't stick on your screen for more than 3 hours, will you? If you do then get a life… If you are in the office or home, you certainly have access to power socket to charge your phone, most of us have portable power station while travelling.
4. Camera, it's preference. I prefer a clearer pic when I zoom 8x than ultra wide. I use the camera to take pics of precious moments with friends and family and scenery. I'm not fussy with ultra wide lens.
5. Price, yes I agree it's expensive.
For ordinary people who don't really care about phone specs, having a smartphone that is truly smart to improve their productivity on daily basis is more helpful than just a slick design. I bought it for all the convenient of Google ecosystem not because of the spec or because I'm a pixel die hard fan (my previous phone was Apple).
Dislike aja lah wkwkwk
Bang grek itu android apa ios😋
tak salah nak bagitahu kekurangan gadget tu tpi kalau boleh tukar ayat "jangan beli" tu kpada ayat yg lebih baik
kakk mau nanya, memangnya motion sensenya bisa pake di indo ya? Thankss, as alway great content kak
Bang vivo v17 pro vs realme xt
Gw awal tahun lalu baru beli 3xl…w kira w bakal nyesel…ternyata enggak…gw masih prefer ke pixel 3xl gw…padahal dan nyimpen duit buat upgrade
Hp mahal mahal kamera mantap spek dewa tapi batre advan belasan juta batre gk kuat sehari wkwkwk
bang gw suka setup elu
optikalzom lah bro, lensa lebar menurutku gak penting banget
nice bro,,,suka warna belakangnya aja sih sya
Semua tergantung selera..
Hp jelek, mahal lagi. Poni nya itu udh ketinggalan jaman
Inkonsistensi.. bener banget.. google harus, sangat harus belajar dr apple buat bikin device
Google gak konsisten bener juga sih 🤔, sebagai pengguna taimen saya juga merasa kecewa sama pixel 4 series tpi saya gak benci cuman kecewa aja.
Kecewa karena ada fitur gak guna kek porject soli, telepohoto nya nanggung cuma 2 kali (klo ga ada lensa wide sih bukan masalah lagian gak terlalu butuh sama wide), batrenya kechilll (klo masalah prosesor gak masalah sih gua toh yang bikin google meskipun pakai apapjn tetep ngebut kok), internal kek ampas (ga ada original backup google photos).
pixel 4= mi mix di balik
Intinya kurang maksimal ,harga mahal seharusnya bisa menyaingi iPhone ,tapi Kita tidak tau apa yang direncanakan google
Mate 30 Pro dong
Guwa sih lebih pakai optical zoom, daripada widenya, ada benernya juga sih ngilangin wide nya, cuman nggak salah juga kok kalo pake triple di satu hp, apalagi flagship sekarang rata2 udh gitu, well keputusan yg sayang banget nih
Gua dah beli lho, ya, dah gua root dan udah gua custoom havoc os
Pendapat gue, iphone 11 itu sebenernya versi A nya di pixel, permainan marketing apple supaya kesannya itu bukan hp murah, coba kalo dinamain iphone 11R, kebayang? nah itu maksudnya haha. Pixel 4 itu rivalnya ya iphone 11 pro. Ya walaupun pendapat gue secara overall iphone 11 pro lebih baik dari pixel 4
Gue masih setia sma asus intel atom guee. Cuma hp ngapain beli" terosss
Lu belum aja make nya bang, coba Lo make beneran, baru tau
Lah itu lu beli hpnya
banyak kekurangan tapi tetep bagus sih ,