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Use Goal Seek in Excel to Structure Your Loan | Chủ Đề về chủ đề goal seek trong excel |

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Chia sẻ liên quan đến bài viết goal seek trong excel.

Bạn đã tính toán khoản thanh toán khoản vay của mình chỉ để biết rằng số tiền đó nhiều hơn ngân sách của bạn cho phép. Bạn không muốn trả thêm $ 275,00 mỗi tháng. Làm thế nào để bạn tổ chức lại khoản vay của mình – mà không mất hàng giờ cố gắng tìm ra nó? Công cụ Tìm kiếm Mục tiêu trong Excel là câu trả lời của bạn. Để xem tất cả các bài học video MS Excel của tôi, hãy truy cập trang web của tôi:.

Hình ảnh liên quan đếnđề tài Use Goal Seek in Excel to Structure Your Loan.

Use Goal Seek in Excel to Structure Your Loan

Use Goal Seek in Excel to Structure Your Loan

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Nội dung có liên quan đến bài viết goal seek trong excel.

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Use Goal Seek in Excel to Structure Your Loan.

goal seek trong excel.

Hy vọng những Chia sẻ về chủ đề goal seek trong excel này sẽ có ích cho bạn. Chân thành cảm ơn.

21 thoughts on “Use Goal Seek in Excel to Structure Your Loan | Chủ Đề về chủ đề goal seek trong excel |”

  1. Watching this in 2020, I must say the video is awesome. Start to End guide. Thanks for CTRL + A shortcut for formula. What i loved was, it had relevant practical example which helped us to get clarity. I don't like trainers who give "Print Hello World" examples, hahah!

  2. Hello, i tried using Excel 2007 with the same set of data you used in your example, When i tried the goal seek with $275 but changing the months, i get a pop-up saying "cell must contain a value". Am i doing something wrongly?

  3. Let me try to help you:
    1) Begin Goal Seek by selecting a cell that contains a Formula. Goal Seek calls this the "Set Cell."
    2) Goal Seek is designed to help you "back into" a result. So, for your 2nd argument, type in the result that you want the "Set Cell" Formula to produce.
    3) For the 3rd argument "By Changing" – you MUST select a cell that"feeds into" the Sect Cell Formula – either a direct or an indirect precedent.

    Re" Function for Multiplication – that is the PRODUCT() Function.

  4. Hello, how are you today? I need help. I am trying to do a problem. In my instructions it asks me to use two formula ( no specific formula , so I made up one) So then when I got to the part when itr said use goal seek something is copming up about me not using a formula or a value ( must be in the changing cell blank). I donr undestand what I am doing wrong. I used = products(H4) * customers (j4)enter. There is no regular formula for multipying is there?

  5. @zxcvbnmmasdfghjkl
    With Goal Seek, you can only change one variable at a time. So, in this case, I copied the cells to create 3 scenarios – changing, 1 at a time the Interest Rate, the amount borrowed and the number of payments.

    In Excel, you can use the SCENARIO Manager to create a multiple variable Report. Typically, with Scenario Manager, you would create a "Best Case, Worst Case, Case Most Likely" Report. I have a few videos here that demonstrate Scenarios.

    Danny Rocks
    The Company Rocks

  6. @gammaphoton
    I apologize for the late response.

    Solver is one of the videos that I am planning to produce in the near future.

    Danny Rocks
    The Company Rocks

  7. Danny I find your videos very helpful. You have not made a video for Solver. I have a suggestion that I think your viewers will find helpful. I have a small spread sheet of my credit cards balance, % interest and payments. The Solver finds the minimum interest total from all the accounts to get all balances to zero. What I found is that paying off the highest interest rate card off first does not give you the smallest total interest paid. I am eager to see what you come up with.

  8. @ericdmann
    Thank you for letting me know that this helped you.

    Please spread the word to your friends and colleagues.

    I invite you to visit my website – thecompanyrocks – to view all of my training resources.

    Danny Rocks
    The Company Rocks

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