
40 Vintage-Fotos von Bonn aus den 1920er- und 1940er-Jahren

Die Bundesstadt Bonn ist eine Stadt am Rhein im Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen. Etwa 24 Kilometer südsüdöstlich von Köln liegt Bonn im südlichsten Teil der Rhein-Ruhr-Region, Deutschlands größter Metropolregion. Bonn, Deutschland zwischen den 1920er und 1940er Jahren Die Stadt ist als Universitätsstadt…

Ludendorffbrücke bei Remagen: Früher und heute

Die Ludendorff-Brücke damals und heute: Ein historischer Vergleich Die Ludendorff-Brücke in Remagen war ein beeindruckendes Bauwerk, das während des Ersten Weltkriegs errichtet wurde, um den deutschen Truppen einen schnellen und sicheren Übergang über den Rhein zu ermöglichen. Mit ihrer robusten…

10 minutes ago: What they discovered about the Titanic left the entire world in shock…

Since the tragic sinking of the Titanic on the cold night of April 15, 1912, this legendary ship continues to fascinate humanity. The depths of the Atlantic Ocean have been home to the remains of this marine giant for over…

Bell P-63 Kingcobra: The American Fighter-Turned-Soviet Tank Buster

 Photo Credit: United States Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain The Second World War saw the development of several new aircraft, among them the Bell P-63 Kingcobra. Initially developed for use by America, it became a key component…

The Most Dangerous Weapons to American Service Members? Their Own

 Photo Credit: Christopher Evans / MediaNews Group / Boston Herald / Getty Image American service members face danger regularly on the battlefield, but what if someone were to tell you enemy combatants aren’t their biggest danger? In a November 2023…

Shocking discovery! Pirate skeleton discovered in 308-year-old shipwreck shocks scientists.

Deep in the ocean, which has remained hidden for more than three centuries, a surprising archaeological discovery has taken place that has left the scientific community speechless. Researchers have discovered the remarkably well-preserved remains of a 308-year-old shipwreck, believed to…

Menino retorna dos mortos com uma mensagem aterrorizante de Jesus: Um testemunho aterrorizante de uma experiência de quase morte com Jesus.

Em uma história que deixou muitos em choque, um menino que voltou dos mortos compartilhou uma mensagem comovente que ele afirma ter vindo de Jesus. Este testemunho, que descreve uma experiência de quase morte (EQM), chamou a atenção de pessoas…

What Lies Beneath? A WW2 T-34 Tank with Its Crew Found in the River After 80 Years!

Beneath decades of secrecy lies an astonishing trove of WWII relics: weapons, ammunition, and personal artifacts meticulously unearthed by the Black Digger. Each piece tells a forgotten story, revealing hidden chapters of wartime history. Witness the breathtaking moment these treasures…

Artifact Recovered from American Destroyer Sunk By the Germans During World War I

 Photo Credit: 1. U.S. Navy / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain 2. 2nd Lt. Mary Andom / Naval History and Heritage Command / DVIDS / Public Domain Over a century after the USS Jacob Jones (DD-61) was sunk by a German U-boat…

Upcoming WWII-Era Horror Film Loosely Based On Loss of Australian Corvette HMAS Armidale

 Photo Credit: MidJourney (Not the actual film poster, AI rendering) Shark films are a staple of the horror genre and one Australian filmmaker is looking to meld this style of film with the war genre. Kiah Roache-Turner is the mind…