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Bubble Sort in Plain English | Chủ Đề về chủ đề bubble sort |

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Bubble Sort in Plain English

Bubble Sort in Plain English

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#Bubble #Sort #Plain #English.

bubble sort,bubble sort algorithm,data structures and algorithms,data structures,algorithms,java,code with mosh,mosh hamedani,programming with mosh,sorting algorithms,programming.

Bubble Sort in Plain English.

bubble sort.

Chúng tôi mong rằng những Thông tin về chủ đề bubble sort này sẽ có giá trị cho bạn. Chúng tôi chân thành .

24 thoughts on “Bubble Sort in Plain English | Chủ Đề về chủ đề bubble sort |”

  1. Thanks Mosh, these topics are helpful for a quick look before any job interview, data structure is very common topic in any CS related job interview, I can still remember that I was asked about Bubble Sort in an interview, and to explain the complexity. Happy to see you code in Java.

  2. According to your code the scheme you showed at the beginning is wrong. Cuz index i(0) will be compared to each element in the array, then i + 1 after that comparison and so on.

  3. @mosh actually the bubble sort algorithm doesn't work as shown in the animation,
    after comparing the numbers at [0] and [1], algorithm goes to [0] and [2]; not [1] and [2]
    its something like this,
    [0] [1]
    [0] [2]
    [0] [3]
    [1] [2]
    [1] [3]
    [2] [3]

    not like this:
    [0] [1]
    [1] [2]
    [2] [3]

    obviously because inner loop runs faster, not at same pace with outer loop

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  5. for people trying to do in python :

    def bubble(arr):

    n = len(arr)

    def swap(arr, i, j):

    arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]

    # print('=>', arr, end=' ')

    for i in range(n – 1):

    for j in range(abs(i – n) – 1):

    if arr[j] > arr[j + 1]:

    swap(arr, j, j + 1)

    # print('j = ' + str(j))

    return arr

    hope it helps.

  6. If we put a boolean status to determine if the array has been swapped, but the array we pass in initially has the first item smaller than the last item, than the status remains unchanged and returns.So if we pass in an array of [0,1,4,3,5] will the first 2 items be compared, seen as "arranged" and return immediately? please point out any flaws in my logic.Im referring to code at 10:13, thanks in advance.

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