With these tips you will easily make your red anthurium flower
Do you have a red anthurium, but it hasn’t given you flowers? We assure you that you are not the only one, because although it is a great option for decorating the house for its impressive red flowers , many times the necessary care is not taken to make them bloom. Therefore, here we will tell you how you can make your red anthurium full of flowers with these four tips.
The red anthurium or Anthurium andreanum is an indoor plant, which makes it an excellent choice for decorating the home thanks to its attractive, resistant and unique flowers, in addition to its heart-shaped leaves which give them an elegant tone.

These plants are tropical and come from Central and South America , so they need warm and humid conditions, but this does not mean that it should be in a place where direct light gives, because this will only burn its leaves. What you should do is put it in a place near a window that faces north or, where it gives filtered light.
1. Your red anthurium needs regular watering
Being a plant that loves humidity, it needs its watering to be regular , but without becoming excessive, because you can rot its roots. It is best to check the top layer of soil to see whether it is already dry or not.

Humidity is key to making anthuriums thrive, however, you can’t take the easy routes like placing it near a humidifier or in a tray of pebbles. It is advisable to mist the leaves from time to time to give moisture to their leaves.
2. Use liquid fertilizer
For this type of plant, the ideal is to use a liquid fertilizer that is balanced with medium strength every two weeks during its growing season, i.e. from spring to autumn, in order to keep it healthy and stimulate flower growth.

During the winter it is better to reduce the amount of fertilizer you immediately put on the mez, because it is the season of lethargy of the red anthurium.
3. Prune every now and then
Try checking your red anthurium every now and then to see if it has dry or yellowish leaves , so you can remove them so the plant can flower. On the other hand, you must transplant it every year or at most two, so that it grows and prevents its roots from taking root, for this you must be careful that the substrate drains well and that the pot in which you do it is larger than the one in where he was.
4. Take care of the temperature of your red anthurium
The most important thing for your plant is that it is not exposed to cold drafts or extreme temperatures. The ideal is to keep it at a temperature between 15 and 24°C , if it drops your plant may suffer a shock and the flowers may not grow as they should.